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The art of selecting respondents

Respondents. An integral part of all research. Arguably one of the most important elements of market research. After all, this is the best way to develop and test, new and existing ideas. So how do we select the best possible participants for you?

At Zest we work with you to understand the goals of your research, your desired methodology and answer any questions you may have around the research, or even the best way to approach recruitment for your target audience. If you have a very complex piece of work, we can use imagery within recruitment or use things such as segmentation questions to hit the spec.

With the criteria confirmed, we then develop a concise screener which can include things from rating questions, golden questions, imagery or even requests for a short video. This will then be pulled out to our ever-growing network of over 10,000 panellists from across the globe. Targeting your screener to help achieve maximum results, including country, postcode, gender, and lifestyle – to name but a few. Recent successes we have had using this targeted method include recruitment for the illusive UK Trades people and over 30+ assisted shopping trips in 4 states of the USA.

Once the data is in, we then begin filtering and selecting the respondents to quality check. A key point of recruitment which should not be overlooked! At Zest we use a variety of ways to handpick the best, from phone calls, video auditions and even requesting photos to confirm ownership of products. You may find a participant looks good on paper but will fall out during quality checking. Our most common form of quality checking happens over the phone meaning we begin building a rapport with respondents almost immediately. Relationships with respondents vital to ensure enthusiasm and engagement for market research trials.

Overall, our methods have proven to generate very successful fieldwork for our clients, with top quality respondents and high attendance rates. If you would like to have a chat with us regarding our services, please contact us via our website.


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